Lazy eye therapy exercises​

مايو 27, 2018

Lazy eye (Amblyopia) describes a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects at least 2% of most populations and can lead to permanently reduced vision if not detected and treated within a specific period in childhood.

Causes and symptoms of lazy eye

The first cause of amblyopia in frequency is strabismus, a wandering eye (about 50%), in infancy or early childhood. The second cause is anisometropia, (approx. 17%), when there is a difference in the correction between the 2 eyes, followed by a combination of strabismus and anisometropia (about 30%), and finally the least frequent, any factor that leads to deprivation during the visual sensitive period, ending at approximately 6 to 9 years, may cause amblyopia.

​In the last 20 years groundbreaking researches showed plasticity of the brain, showing that changes in the neurons can occur even after the critical age of 8-9 years, which means that Adult Lazy Eye can be cured. By stimulating specific areas in the brain, the brain can maximize its efficiency from the information received from the eye.

This goal, of improving vision in adult lazy eye, is reached by Our Lazy eye program Revitalvision eye exercises, practiced at home in front of the computer. These last approximately 30 minutes and are done under the supervision of an optometrist or ophthalmologist.  More than 85% of patients who were candidates for this treatment and completed its course improved their visual acuity by 2.5 rows and showed 100% improvement in their contrast sensitivity.

Muscle-based eye exercises are recommended for conditions involving the interaction between the eyes and how they work together. While RevitalVision Lazy eye exercises are done by stimulating specific areas in the brain, as a result of brain plasticity Adult Lazy Eye can be cured.

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