What causes light sensitivity after cataract surgery

ديسمبر 18, 2020

What causes light sensitivity after cataract surgery?

Thanks to cataract surgery poor vision is reversible in older people. Cataract is a condition in which the lens of the eye is cloudy due to the accumulation of protein in the natural lens.
Though vision is improved, what causes light sensitivity after cataract surgery?
As mentioned, the natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy and the lens filters the light coming into the eye, after the lens is extracted and a new artificial clear lens is inserted the lens no longer filters the light what causes light sensitivity after cataract surgery.
This side effect may last for a few days and sunglasses can help minimize the problem.

RevitalVision is designed to improve recovery after cataract surgery without the need of a doctor’s examination or support. Completing the RevitalVision program results in an average improvement of up to 150% in contrast sensitivity.

To learn how to improve vision after cataract surgery click herePost Cataract Surgery

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